Disposable vapes

Disposable vape - A compact, non-rechargeable device that has been precharged and prefilled with e-liquid is referred to as a disposable vape. Disposable vapes can't be recharged or refilled, and you don't have to buy and replace coils, which is how they vary from rechargeable mods. The main plus about the disposable vapes is the possibility to try many or all flavors without sticking to them for a long time period. Disposable vape can be with or without nicotine and they come in different sizes measured in puffs - how many times you can inhale it.
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CAMO produces high quality tobacco free nicopods that have no negative impact to people around you. CAMO nicopods come in a variety of different intensity and flavors, offering a perfect combination for everyone. There is 16mg/25mg/50mg/75mg/100mg of nicotine per gram used in CAMO products and 24 pcs nicopods in box.
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